About Us
Journey USA offers courses, programs, and trainings within the United States and abroad through partnerships with local Christian Churches.
This ministry has developed a strong reputation for mentoring Christian men and women as they walk through their healing journey. This is possible because the ministry is based on a set of core principles and foundational beliefs, which guide and direct all that happens at Journey USA.
“By providing sound biblical teaching for the relationally and sexually broken, Journey meets a critical need within churches— offering hope, healing and wholeness to those in despair, crisis, and confusion.”
How We Minister
As a Christ-centered ministry, we follow the biblical foundation of serving people with compassion, integrity and dependence on the Holy Spirit. In all we do, we share Jesus—the One who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14). The following are some of the founding principles of Journey USA:
Healing is a Journey and a Process
By relying on the Holy Spirit to renew people, we try to provide a basis for a lifetime process of healing in our identity, sexuality and relationships. This process includes Christian discipleship, which needs to take place in the body of Christ. Thus each Journey group is part of the local church.
Men and Women Are Image Bearers
We also believe that healing best occurs when men and women minister together, releasing the presence of God to one another that corresponds with our deepest needs for love.
Jesus is at the Heart
At the center of the journey is the cross of Jesus Christ discovered in His community—the means through which we have access to the Father’s love. The cross is the place where we lay down our sins and wounds, and receive the Holy Spirit of resurrection. At the cross, Journey seeks to explore the wounded and complex habits of the heart in order to impart the truthful, healing love of Jesus there.
“Many days I wished my sexual and relational struggles would just go away. I often hoped for some magic cure that would fix my pain. Instead I’ve come to realize that the healing of my heart and soul comes as I seek Jesus. He alone is what I need.”
What We Believe
Founded upon biblical principles, Journey USA adheres to the following beliefs, which make up our statement of faith.
We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, the final authority of doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in right living.
We believe in one God, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, fully human and fully God, only begotten Son of the Father. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, buried and rose physically from the dead. He ascended to the right hand of the Father and will come again in power and glory.
We believe that faith alone in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord frees us from the mastery of sin, and its consequences of death and eternal damnation. He assumed the penalty of death Himself, and enables us to live out of His resurrected life unto eternity.
We believe the Holy Spirit carries out this work of renewal in our lives, empowering us to grow in loving union with our Heavenly Father and to walk in obedience to His will.
We believe that the church of Jesus Christ is formed of all those who know Him as their Savior and Lord, regardless of denominational beliefs.